Slate pavers: 6 examples on a poster

Pavers: What Are They?

Pavers are flat pieces of materials, such as concrete, brick or stone. They are most commonly used as exterior flooring for outdoor surfaces like driveways, entryways, walkways, patios and pool decks. Paver landscape solutions are non-living elements called hardscape. They come in a wide variety of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes. In the photo above is a small selection of pavers and surface treatments. 

Pavers have been used for centuries to pave outdoor surfaces. Today’s pavers offer more durability, versatility, and beauty than ever before. Modern pavers are made from a variety of raw materials, each with its own unique look and feel.

Pavers are Made of … ?

TYPES paver examples 768x429 edit 1Concrete pavers are the most common type. They offer the lowest cost option while still providing a high level of durability. 

Clay pavers, usually bricks made from fired clay, offer a warm, rustic look that is perfect for more traditional styles of architecture.

Porcelain clay tiles are often used in more modern settings, as well as indoors. The vast range of designs is what makes these pavers really stand out.

Stone pavers such as granite, limestone, sandstone, slate, or travertine, are more expensive but offer a natural look that is both beautiful and long-lasting.

The Primary Benefits of Pavers

Pavers offer a number of benefits. Here are some of the main reasons why they are such an effective hardscape terrain development solution for your property.


Pavers are a popular choice for outdoor spaces and with good reason. When it comes to durability, they truly shine; paving stones are made to withstand rain, snow, heat, and cold temperatures along with heavy foot and vehicle traffic. 

Natural stone and concrete paver stones, in particular, prove to be superior to other alternatives, such as concrete slabs and asphalt, when it comes to resisting cracks and breakage. Although paver installation is more time-consuming, their low maintenance and longevity save you both time and money after their installation.

To ensure their good looks last longer, many pavers come pre-sealed to bolster their already reliable durability with protection from staining and fading. This makes pavers an ideal choice for any outdoor space facing wear and tear due to frequent use or extreme weather conditions.


Pavers are the perfect choice if you want an outdoor surface that is both easy to maintain and beautiful. Unlike poured concrete or asphalt which often require re-laying, pavers are easy to repair since the affected pavers can be lifted and replaced individually. This ensures that repairs are efficient and straightforward. So, you get to enjoy your outdoor space with minimal interruptions and effort.

Pavers also require little cleaning. This is especially true of clay brick pavers. With no more than a pressure washer and a little detergent, you can effectively remove any dirt or debris from your backyard or driveway pavers and their seams in no time.


Pavers offer unparalleled flexibility when it comes to outdoor designs. With a wide selection of materials, textures, sizes, shapes, and colors, they provide homeowners with virtually limitless design possibilities. 

From creating a unique pattern in the driveway or creating a border between the patio and garden to creating raised beds and retaining walls, pavers have the versatility to bring any landscape project to life. It is easy to achieve a style that is unique and complements your outdoor space.

No matter what style or look you are hoping to create, pavers can help bring your vision to life.

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